Daily Rants

The Lawrence house in College Point …

Years ago, while we were repainting, we misplaced a wooden nail that was used back in the 1600’s for building houses. The nail was from what was called The Lawrence House. We lived right next door to the house, when we were living on 129th street and 14th avenue. At some point they took the house apart, and relocated it to Old Bethpage Village Restoration on Long Island. We were kids, so we rummaged through the house while it was being taken down, and I swiped this nail, used for all the beams. There were no metal nails. It is circa 1640’s, and is just as good today, as it was then. Well, during the recent flood cleanup of our basement, I came across one of the old dining room breakfront boxes, and look what I found. We knew it was down there somewhere, and now it’s back in the breakfront where it belongs …

Categories: Daily Rants

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